I forvejen løber de fleste motionister med bare et minimum af selvrespekt rundt med en eller anden form for teknologi. Enten et helt almindeligt stopur, men også pulsure og mp3-afspillere er sikre hits på løberuterne. Det er der egentlig ikke noget nyt i. Men New York Times skriver (kræver gratis registrering) om fremtidens sportsudstyr. Her kommer vi til at se helt nye måder at integrere teknologi og sport. Ikke blot kan sportsudstyr, som tennisketchere og golfkøller forbedres med målere og sensorer, nej, helt nye sportsgrene vil også dukke op. Min yndlingsfuturist, Alex Soojung-Kim Pang fra Future Now, udtaler sig i artiklen:
"Traditionally we have thought of the digital world as being an alternative universe separate from physical reality," Mr. Pang said. "Part of the reason it is thought of that way is that you interact with digital information sitting in a particular place in front of computer, forcing you to look at the screen."A result of that is why the metaphor of cyberspace has held such potency. It has felt like a different world."
With increasingly easy access to cyberspace enabling people to connect to others engaged in the same physical activities - especially familiar ones like pedaling a bicycle, throwing a ball or swinging a golf club - the barrier between the real world and the virtual one begins to break down significantly, Mr. Pang said.
"The kinds of interaction you can have with digital information on a computer are changing very rapidly," Mr. Pang said. "The information is moving off the desktop and moving out into the world."
The New York Times > Technology > Circuits > Long-Distance Sports