Fremtidens læger opererer par distance - endda forklædt som robotter. Det kunne i dag læses i kioskbaskerbladet IEEE Spectrum Online. Trods den lidet sexede titel, er der faktisk i ugens udgave nogle ret interessante artikler. Eksempelvis "Doc at a Distance", som er en ret grundig gennemgang af eksisterende robotoperationsmetoder, fordele og ulemper og fremtidige muligheder. Jeg var fx ikke klar over, at:
"Indeed, robotically assisted surgery is already a bona fide, if small, category of robotics. In its “World Robotics 2005” report, the International Federation of Robotics estimated the number of robots used in surgery and therapy—including electromechanical arms to position instruments, robotic bone drills, and computer-controlled radiotherapy equipment—at 2800 units worldwide. These units include the da Vinci surgical system, by Intuitive Surgical, of Sunnyvale, Calif., currently the only commercially available surgical robot approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. It has two or three arms equipped with surgical tools and an extra arm with a stereoscopic video camera probe. A surgeon controls the machine from a console located in the same room as the patient. Currently, some 400 da Vinci units are installed worldwide, a new unit costing about $1.5 million."
Med 2800 robotlæger på verdensplan til 1,5 mio. stykket - går der nok lidt tid før min personlige AI-læge fjerner blindtarmen, mens jeg ligger henslængt i sofaen.
Men også når det gælder de mange nye trådløse teknologier, har IEEE Spectrum Online nyt at fortælle i "Busy as ZigBee". Den trådløse ZigBee-standard er af mange blevet udråbt som en af fremtidens ultrakompakte, strømbesparende trådløse teknologier, der for alvor vil få fremtidens hjem til at samarbejde. Fx vil samtlige stikkontakter og lyspærer komme på nettet, uden massive el-installatørregninger til følge, blot ved at koble den lille ZigBee-enhed på strømudtaget.
"For example, sensors on the windows and doors of your house can wirelessly report several times each minute to a central security controller that “all is well”—a level of security that, until a few years ago, only a museum or a mansion in a James Bond movie might have. Sensors in each room can monitor human presence, temperature, humidity, and light levels, and then send the data to a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) controller. The controller first figures out whether anybody is in a given room, and only then decides whether to raise or lower the window shades, open or close the air dampers, or run the HVAC system at full or reduced power. Rooms that are occupied can be maintained within a narrow comfort zone, while the temperature in vacant rooms is allowed to move up or down through a wider range.
Meanwhile, the cat door will check your pet’s radio-frequency ID tag, letting kitty back into the house while keeping out the neighborhood raccoons. Sensors in the vegetable garden will constantly check soil moisture and temperature, insolation, and air temperature, turning on the sprinkler system as needed."
ZigBee er altså superinteressant på mange områder. Det interessante spørgsmål er, hvordan man skal tolke Nokias seneste innovation omkring trådløse teknologier, de vil proppe i deres mobiltelefoner: Wibree. For som de skriver:
"Wibree radio technology complements other local connectivity technologies, consuming only a fraction of the power compared to other such radio technologies, enabling smaller and less costly implementations and being easy to integrate with Bluetooth solutions.
Wibree is the first open technology offering connectivity between mobile devices or Personal Computers, and small, button cell battery power devices such as watches, wireless keyboards, toys and sports sensors. By extending the role mobile devices can play in consumers’ lives, this technology increases the growth potential in these market segments."
På mange måder et ekko af de løfter ZigBee giver. Det skal blive interessant at se, hvem der tager stikket hjem.
Hej det er kinda af off topic , men jeg tænkte på om blogs bruge WYSIWYG editorer eller hvis du er nødt til manuelt kode med HTML. Jeg starter en blog snart , men har ingen kodning know-how , så jeg ønskede at få råd fra en person med erfaring . Enhver hjælp ville være enormt værdsat !
Posted by: payday loans in 1 hour | 12-01-12 at 13:51